Resolutions, Beliefs, Constitution, and Bylaws


The resolutions enacted by the 2024 Delegate Assembly of the National School Boards Association which met on April 5, 2024, in New Orleans, Louisiana, originated from numerous school board sources throughout the United States, its territories, and possessions. Final debate and enactment of resolutions submitted are effected by the Delegate Assembly, which consists of local school board members from the various states and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Learn more about the Resolutions of the National School Boards Association.


The public school boards of America, united in their school boards associations and members into the National School Boards Association and its National Connection participants, believe that:

  • Education is a civil right.
  • It is necessary to the dignity and freedom of the American people.
  • All students should have equal access to an education that maximizes their individual potential.

Please see the complete Beliefs of the National School Board Association, including information about: 

  • Control and support of public schools.
  • Responsibilities of local school boards.
  • Federal assistance to education.
  • The educational program.
  • Relationships with association members and school boards.
  • Relationships with other groups.

Constitution and Bylaws

The Constitution and Bylaws of the National School Boards Association are the governing principles of the Association and were amended on April 5, 2024, by the Delegate Assembly at its meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.