With members spread across the United States, the Virgin Islands, and Canada, NSBA is the only national organization representing school boards. Our members are state school boards associations and the U.S. territory of the Virgin Islands, as well as certain local school boards throughout the United States.
State school boards associations are nonprofit organizations that represent local school board members who serve on local school boards and are dedicated to educating every child to his or her fullest potential and committed to leadership for student achievement. Local school board members govern over local school districts serving the nation's 50 million public school students.
State school boards associations offer training and other services to help support school board members in their work. The associations help with policy writing, legal matters, insurance, superintendent searches, and other issues. They also track state legislation and advocate for school boards, local governance, and public schools to state legislatures.
In states that require mandated training for school board members, state school boards associations are the primary authority on training related to governance, policy, and fiduciary responsibility. NSBA provides additional resources to complement the great training and resources delivered by our state association members.
Learn more about School Board Members and Local Governance.