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New Events, Opportunities, and Resources (Federal School Safety Clearinghouse)

  • 1.  New Events, Opportunities, and Resources (Federal School Safety Clearinghouse)

    Posted 02-17-2022 09:07:00 AM

    Upcoming Events and Opportunities from the Federal school safety clearinghouse 

    Grants and Funding Opportunities

    American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (Application Deadline: Ongoing)

    Project to Support America's Families and Educators (Project SAFE) (Application Deadline: Ongoing)

    School Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV) (Application Deadline: Ongoing)

    Visit the SchoolSafety.gov Grants Finder Tool for additional school safety-related funding opportunities.

    Events, Webinars, and Conferences

    Helping Youth Navigate Dangers in the Digital Age (Feb. 17, 2022) – As part of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's Preventing Youth Hate Crimes & Identity-Based Bullying Initiative Webinar Series, this webinar will inform attendees on how to help youth mitigate online dangers and build resiliency, as well as provide various tools and resources to identify misinformation.

    Resources for School-Based Behavioral Health Professionals During COVID-19 (Feb.18 & 25, 2022) – This virtual training series hosted by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network will focus on working with youth, parents, and other professionals during a global pandemic. The series will highlight mental health in uncertain times, thinking outside the box to support people virtually and in-person, and resource development for providers.

    Cybersecurity Online Workshop 301: Cybersecurity on a Shoestring Budget (Feb. 22-24, 2022) – This virtual event hosted by the Consortium for School Networking is designed to help resource-constrained school districts identify and implement the most cost-effective approaches to building out a district cybersecurity program.

    Online Safety Guidance and Resources for K-12 Schools (Feb. 24, 2022) – This informational webinar hosted by the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse will feature guest speakers from the Homeland Security Investigations Cyber Crimes Center and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Presenters will provide an overview of how to make the internet a safer place for students and protect children from crimes of victimization.

    Understanding the Role of Families and Parents in Supporting School Safety Before, During, and After an Emergency (Feb. 28. 2022) – This webinar from the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center will highlight the role of parents and families in supporting school safety efforts at the local and state levels.

    A Systemic Approach to Support Black Student Mental Health (Feb. 28, 2022) – Join the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Black Americans for the AfAmEd Connector Virtual Roundtable titled "Opening the Social Emotional Safety Net: SEL Practices for the Black School Community." The roundtable will feature experts from the field that will discuss culturally competent best social emotional learning practices to support Black students, teachers, and families.

    School Mental Health Virtual Learning Series: Best Practices for School Mental Health (March 2, 2022) – Central East MHTTC in collaboration with the National Center for School Mental Health will offer a school mental health webinar series with a focus on advancing high quality, sustainable school mental health from a multi-tiered system of support, trauma sensitive, and culturally responsive and equitable lens.

    Visit the SchoolSafety.gov Events Page for additional school safety-related webinars, conferences, and more.

    New School Safety Resources

    Communication Toolkit for Schools: School Testing for COVID-19
    This toolkit includes materials that school administrators can use to help promote regular COVID-19 testing programs and encourage participation among parents, students, and school staff.

    Online Safety Resources for K-12 Schools and Students
    This one-pager offers a variety of resources K-12 school communities and students can use to stay safe online.

    Visit SchoolSafety.gov for additional resources to support school safety and security efforts.

    Adam Lustig
    Director, Center for Safe Schools
    National School Boards Association
    Alexandria, VA