Leadership & Governance

COSA's Governance

NSBA formed COSA in 1967 to provide information and practical assistance to attorneys who represent public school boards. Our Legal and COSA staff provide professional and executive support and programming for our members, school attorneys, and school leaders across the United States. COSA also supports the legal advocacy efforts of NSBA.

COSA is guided by a seven-member Steering Committee, which is elected at the annual business meeting held each spring in conjunction with the NSBA Annual Conference and School Law Seminar. The COSA chair serves ex officio on the NSBA Board of Directors, giving our members a direct link to NSBA’s leadership.

COSA Steering Committee Members:

  • Haley Percell, COSA Chair - Oregon School Boards Association (OR)
  • Kenneth M. Walker, II, COSA Chair-elect - Austin Independent School District (TX)
  • Brad Banasik, COSA Secretary - Michigan Association of School Boards (MI)
  • Marc Terry, COSA Immediate Past Chair - Mirick O'Connell (MA)
  • Leigh E. Dalton, Member at Large - Susquehanna Commerce Center East (PA)
  • Gregory P. Goheen, Member at Large - McAnany, Van Cleave & Phillips (KS)
  • Aleksandra Rushing, Member at Large - Husch Blackwell (MO)
  • Verjeana McCotter-Jacobs, Esq. - NSBA Executive Director, ex officio
  • Don Hubler, President, NSBA Board of Directors, ex officio

COSA members join either through an affiliated state council, or as an individual member in the U.S., Canada, or other NSBA International Partner country. In affiliated states, all members of the state council must be members of the NSBA Council.

The following states have affiliated state councils: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, and West Virginia.

To carry out its programming, networking, and advisory functions, COSA operates standing and ad hoc committees and working groups.